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  • crawl space FAQ

    • Why is crawl space encapsulation important for Knoxville homes?
      Open crawl spaces are more widely accepted in northern areas of the US. However, in our part of the country, an open crawl space invites warm, humid air that may cause problems down the road. Excess humidity can be detrimental to a crawlspace’s health, as it fuels mold growth and reduces a home’s air quality. The best solution is to encapsulate your crawl space with the help of experts like Southeast Termite & Pest Control.
    • How quickly can I get my crawl space encapsulated in Knoxville?
      Every home in Knoxville has a uniquely designed crawlspace, which means the encapsulation process never looks the same between customers. The professionals at Southeast Termite & Pest Control can provide you with an encapsulation timeline after a brief crawl space inspection. Give us a call today to learn more.
    • Can I afford a crawl space encapsulation service?

      While crawl space encapsulation can be pricey, at Southeast Termite & Pest Control, we do offer financing options! Please check out our Hearth Financing page to learn more.

  • Termite Pest Library FAQ

    • What are termites?

      Termites are small insects known for their strong jaws and tunneling activities. Most termites grow to about half of an inch in length and have a tan to light brown coloration. Termites live in colonies with social structures or castes, and their roles consist of workers, soldiers, or reproductives in every colony.

      Termites invading your property are a major problem due to the destruction they cause and the fact that most infestations start out unnoticed. Routine termite inspections help to detect these pests so you can remove them before serious problems occur.

    • Are termites dangerous?

      While termites don't spread diseases to humans or contaminate food storage areas, they are still dangerous pests to host around your property. Termite infestations easily infiltrate your property's wooden structures, and these pests will tunnel away at wooden areas to expand their colonies. Over time, a termite infestation leads to serious, costly damage to your property and even the risk of structural collapse.

      It's important to invest in professional termite control to remove termites before major damages occur.

    • Why do I have a termite problem?
      A termite problem is typical on properties with many of the factors that attract these pests easily available. Termites love properties with lots of soil-to-wood contact, piles of debris like branches and tree stumps, and moist or humid conditions. Investigating your property for these factors and removing them is an essential step in proper termite control.
    • Where will I find termites?
      Termites are typically found in their colonies underground, but they may also be found outdoors near fallen trees, piles of branches and debris, tree stumps, and woodpiles. Once they invade interior spaces, termites are often located underneath wood flooring, between walls, in furniture, and anywhere with easy access to wood.
    • How do I get rid of termites?

      The best way to get rid of termites is to contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control at the first signs of these pests. We take termite control seriously, and our team will provide you with a free inspection to narrow down where your major termite problem areas are. Once we gather this information, we'll provide you with termite treatments that are sure to eradicate these pests at the source.

      Our termite treatment plans also come with a one-year guarantee, so you can rest assured we will take care of any termites if they resurface after your initial treatment.

      Contact us today for your free pest control inspection.

    • How can I prevent termites in the future?

      The following termite prevention tips can help ensure these pests don't come back to your property once we treat them.

      • Reduce soil-to-wood contact around the foundation of your property to stop termites from easily invading interior areas.
      • Seal up all cracks around the foundation, windows, and doors of your property.
      • Keep outdoor areas clear of debris like piles of branches, overgrown grass, and tree stumps.
      • Store woodpiles in elevated areas to stop termites from hiding in them.
      • Address moisture issues and leaks on your property that may be causing excess pools of water, damaging wood, or contributing to the damp conditions that most termites love.
      • Keep an eye out for signs of termites, such as frass, damaged wood, and sinking floors or ceilings.

      Contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control the moment you suspect you have a termite problem on your property for expert termite removal.

  • Stinging Insects Pest Library FAQ

    • What are stinging insects?

      We typically describe stinging insects as solitary or social. Solitary species of stinging insects have females that create individual nests, and they are usually relatively docile and aren't quick to sting. Stinging insects that are social live together in large groups inside a single nest. They are generally faster to sting and often attack as a group.

      Stinging insect identification is best made by a professional. Various species of stinging insects can make their way to our properties. Most are fast-moving, and it's never a good idea to get up and personal to determine the exact species on your property. 

      Though it is important to try to live in harmony with stinging insects because of their eco-importance, protecting ourselves and our families from their dangers is also important. Stinging insects are beneficial out in nature but unwanted pests in our yards.

    • Are stinging insects dangerous?

      Stinging insects are a danger to adults, children, and pets. A stinging insect uses the stinger at the end of its abdomen to inject venom into people and animals. When stinging insects nest in your yard, their presence can make you feel on edge. Stinging insects can easily ruin everyday things like cooking outside, taking out the trash, and gardening.

      Stinging insect venom is potent enough to trigger allergic reactions ranging from mild to life-threatening. Hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets can sting multiple times, and with each sting, you will experience more pain, and they will inject more venom into your body.

    • Why do I have a stinging insect problem?
      In most cases, leaving stinging insects alone is best practice, except when they decide to live in our yards or homes. When stinging insects target your property as a place to nest and forage for food, it will put you and your family in direct contact with these pests on a daily basis. If your property offers stinging insects with what they need and want, they won't hesitate to take advantage, and they won't be easy to deter.
    • Where will I find stinging insects?

      During the summer and early fall seasons, you will find stinging insects swarming outdoor spaces and ruining outdoor activities like swimming parties and barbecues.

      Our yards offer stinging insects plenty of places to forage food for themselves and to bring back to their nests. Gardens, flower beds, trash cans, compost areas, flowering trees, and outdoor eating and cooking areas are where people have the most contact with these pests.

      Stinging insects nest in various places depending on their species, all choosing a nesting site that offers them shelter from harsh weather and predators. Some of the most common areas we discover stinging insect nests include the following:

      • Tree hollows and tree branches

      • Inside dense shrubs or other landscaping plants

      • Ground holes

      • Rock piles or brush piles

      • Under roof eaves or decks

      • In the corners of windows or doors

      • Inside garages, sheds, or attics

      If you have found a stinging insect nest on your property or know one is present that you can't locate, quickly get in touch with a pest control professional for assistance.

    • How do I get rid of stinging insects?
      If stinging insects in Tennessee are taking over your property, never try to get rid of them on your own; always reach out to a knowledgeable professional. At Southeast Termite and Pest Control, our pest management professionals have the skill, patience, and knowledge necessary to safely remove stinging insects and their nests from Knoxville properties. Learn more about our year-round pest control services in Knoxville by calling us today to prevent problems with stinging insects and our area's other common pests!
    • How can I prevent stinging insects in the future?

      Keeping outdoor pests like stinging insects away from your Knoxville property is frustrating. Use the following five prevention tips to make your property less interesting to them.

      1. Trim tree branches and other foliage away from the outside of your home.

      2. Remove potential nesting sites like fallen trees, brush piles, and tree stumps from your property.

      3. Wasps and other stinging insects love to forage from trash cans. Keep lids on as recycling and trash bins.

      4. Avoid planting flowers near your home's entrances.

      5. Eliminate areas of standing water in your yard that offer a water source. 

      For quality home pest control to keep stinging insects at bay, Southeast Termite & Pest Control is here to help!

  • Spider Pest Library FAQ

    • What are spiders?
      Spidersare a group of predatory arachnids that feed on living prey. They will not scavenge. They have to hunt. All spiders are venomous, but most spiders do not possess venom that is potent enough to harm people. In fact, the United States only has two types of spiders that are dangerous enough to be considered medically significant threats. That means you are much more likely to encounter a spider in your home that cannot hurt you than one that can.
    • Are spiders dangerous?

      Most of the spiders you'll find in your Tennessee home are absolutely harmless. While they are venomous, their venom cannot cause systemic symptoms. Common house spiders in Tennessee that you don't have to worry about include:

      • Wolf spiders
      • House spiders 
      • Orb weavers 
      • Garden spiders

      Unless you are allergic, the worst thing you are likely to experience with a bite from one of these spiders is redness, swelling, and pain at the site of the bite.

      On the other hand, if one of our two dangerous spiders bites you, you could be in trouble. The brown recluse spider has a hemotoxic venom that can cause necrosis around the bite site. Meanwhile, the black widow spider has a neurotoxic venom that may cause systemic symptoms like nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, confusion, and trouble breathing. Most healthy adults do not have to worry about dying from a black widow bite, but it is a different story with small children.

    • Why do I have a spider problem?
      Virtually the only time you will ever wind up with a serious spider problem is if you have an infestation of prey that spiders like to eat. Spiders don't have any reason to come into our homes; however, if you have spider prey, such as roaches, ants, or flies, you will see an uptick in spider activity, especially if the infestation is large enough to sustain a breeding population of spiders. If this is the case, you might wind up with spiders crawling all over your house.
    • Where will I find spiders?
      Different kinds of spiders like to hang out in different areas. For instance, you're more likely to find house spiders weaving webs up high, such as in the corners of your house near the ceiling. Meanwhile, you'll find wolf spiders underneath appliances and inside cabinets because these places are where they stalk and ambush their prey. Though they have different strategies for catching prey, all spiders want to stay out of the way of people. So you're more likely to find them in places with low foot traffic.
    • How do I get rid of spiders?

      Unfortunately, there are few ways to kill spiders readily available to the public. You'll need expert pest control to deal with your spider problem. Here at Southeast Termite & Pest Control, we're intimately familiar with all of the spider species endemic to the Knoxville area, both harmless and dangerous.

      Our spider experts cannot only determine the species infesting your home but also help you determine what primary infestation is attracting the secondary spider infestation. Once we make these determinations, we can help you get rid of both. So don't wait until the female spiders in your house lay eggs with hundreds or even thousands of little spiderlings; call us today to kick the bugs out of your abode.

    • How can I prevent spiders in the future?
      The best way to prevent spider infestations is to eliminate and prevent infestations of the bugs they like to eat. You must take steps to prevent insects like cockroaches, silverfish, flies, moths, and other common prey from running amok in your house. The good news is doing things like keeping your garbage covered and making sure your home is clutter-free can go a long way towards preventing both spiders and their prey. Even better news, if you wind up with an infestation despite your best efforts, the home pest control experts here at Southeast Termite & Pest Control are just a click or call away.
  • Rodent Pest Library FAQ

    • What are rodents?

      Mice and rats are rodents in Tennessee that most people know and have a general idea of how to recognize. Mice and rats are stars of books, movies, and amusement parks. However, the biggest reason people can easily identify mice and rats is that they are regular intruders in our homes and businesses.

      Mice are small rodents with oval bodies and small triangular heads. A light layer of velvety fur covers the ears and tails of mice. Adult rats are larger in size than adult mice. They have large blunt heads, and their ears and thick, scaly tails are hairless.

      Both mice and rats are nocturnal and, therefore, most active at night. Another thing mice, rats, and all other rodents have in common is their continuously growing front incisors. Their sharp front incisors assist them in eating, gathering nesting materials, and making entrances and exit holes in our homes.

    • Are rodents dangerous?

      The rodents that enter our homes are wild animals; they are unpredictable and don’t belong living with people.

      Rodents are dangerous because of their ability to spread bacteria and disease-causing pathogens through their saliva and excrement. In our homes, they contaminate food, cause harm to personal belongings like furniture and clothing, and damage structural elements like wires, pipes, and vents.

      Other dangers associated with a rodent infestation are electrical shorts, fires, foul odors, and allergies.

    • Why do I have a rodent problem?

      Mice tend to be more curious, while rats are more cautious, but neither will hesitate to take advantage of the food, water, and shelter our homes offer. The good news is that while mice and rats can invade our Knoxville homes, they usually won’t do so simultaneously. You will have one or the other inside your house.

      Rodents are successful in almost any habitat, including city centers, suburbs, and rural areas. They are pests we must be proactive against to keep them out of our homes.

    • Where will I find rodents?

      Field mice are small rodents that primarily invade outdoor spaces like wooded areas, fields, meadows, parks, and yards. They are mostly a problem for people living in suburban and rural areas. While these mice can use our homes as a place of shelter, they are less likely to do so than the house mouse.

      House mice are common invaders of human structures. They live outside all around us and move indoors in search of food, water, and shelter. They are agile species and can easily move inside through tiny openings they discover in a home’s exterior.

      Roof rats are thin, agile rats. They are excellent climbers and prefer to live off the ground in trees, shrubbery, woodpiles, and vines. When they enter a home or other building, they usually enter through chimneys, vents, or defects along the roofline.

      Norway rats are large, heavy rats and are not known for their agility, unlike roof rats. Norway rats live outside under woodpiles, rock piles, trash piles, and foundations. These rats enter our homes at ground level and usually call basements or crawl spaces home.

    • How do I get rid of rodents?

      Rodents are pests we regularly work with homeowners to remove from their properties. Mice and rats can make themselves quite comfortable in our homes, and getting them to leave is difficult. If you want to get rid of the rodents that are nesting and foraging for food in your home, it is best to consult with a professional.

      Here at Southeast Termite & Pest Control, we perform quality, year-round pest control services in Knoxville. By offering thorough inspections, effective treatments, and ongoing services, you will no longer have to share your home with rodents, now or in the future! For pest control near you, call today.

    • How can I prevent rodents in the future?

      Avoid sharing your home with rodents, partner with us, implement regular rodent pest control services, and take advantage of the following four prevention tips.

      1. Eliminate harborage spots inside and outside your home by removing clutter and yard debris. 
      2. Pick up uneaten pet food, keep tight-fitting lids on trash cans, and keep outdoor eating areas clean to stop food and food odors from attracting rodents. 
      3. Keep caps on chimneys and mesh covers over vents and drains entering your home. 
      4. Repair any large or small defects leading into your home. Things like missing roof shingles, cracks in the foundation, and gaps around windows and doors are common entry points for rodents.

      For effective rodent control, call Southeast Termite & Pest Control.

  • Mosquito Pest Library FAQ

    • What are mosquitoes?

      Mosquitoes are easily recognized pests characterized by a thin waist, wings, six long legs, and elongated mouthparts that they use to feed on plant nectar and the blood of mammals. Only female mosquitoes are known to bite humans or animals to feed, as they require blood to develop their eggs properly.

      And while many individuals may think that there are only one mosquito species, there are several types of mosquitoes buzzing around the United States today. Aedes and Culex mosquitoes are the most commonly encountered by humans and appear similar. The only difference between these species is the time of day when they are most active.

    • Are mosquitoes dangerous?

      Though mosquitoes may be small, they are fairly dangerous to encounter. Mosquitoes spread illnesses as they bite humans, and the diseases carried by mosquitoes include serious ones like the Zika virus, West Nile virus, malaria, and yellow fever. The more mosquitoes you have invading your property, the higher your chances are of picking up an illness from these insects.

      Mosquito bites may also trigger allergic reactions ranging from mild itchiness and swelling to anaphylaxis. If you experience difficulty breathing or swallowing after a mosquito bite or experience symptoms such as fever, nausea, and chills, seek immediate medical attention.

    • Why do I have a mosquito problem?
      Mosquito problems typically occur on properties with lots of the factors these pests enjoy, such as plenty of standing water to lay their eggs in, moist or humid conditions, overgrown grass, and piles of debris. It’s important to remove these factors from your property if you want to deter mosquito infestations.
    • Where will I find mosquitoes?
      Mosquitoes are typically in the outdoor areas of your property. They tend to stay around moist, damp, and humid areas or near puddles of standing water where they lay their eggs. If they do get inside, mosquitoes will be found near windows and doors or looking for a human to bite.
    • How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

      If you want to get rid of mosquitoes, the best thing you can do is contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control for professional pest control assistance. Mosquitoes are prolific and difficult to get rid of, and DIY tactics are often less effective against these pests.

      Contact our team today for a free estimate and assistance defeating mosquitoes.

    • How do I prevent mosquitoes in the future?

      The best way to keep mosquitoes away is by putting the prevention tactics below into place and making your property less hospitable to them.

      • Clear areas of overgrown grass and piles of debris, as mosquitoes love to hide in these areas.

      • Remove all puddles of standing water to stop mosquitoes from breeding around your property.

      • Address moisture issues like leaks, drainage problems, and clogged gutters that lead to damp or humid conditions around all areas of your property, as these attract mosquitoes.

      • Utilize larvicide or filters in water features like birdbaths to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in these spaces.

      • Make sure you have sturdy window and door screens in place in addition to weatherstripping to ensure mosquitoes stay outside.

      • Consider planting citronella or lemongrass around your property to ward off curious mosquitoes.

      Contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control today for more mosquito prevention and removal advice or for Pest Control in Knoxville.

  • Fall Invader Pest Library FAQ

    • What are fall invaders?
      Fall invaders are those insects that make their way into human structures as the weather changes. This activity is often referred to as overwintering, as the bugs will look for warm and safe shelter to spend the colder months. Many insects are known for this behavior, but the most common ones encountered in our area include stink bugs, boxelder bugs, and ladybugs. All of these insects are easily recognizable, but if you need help identifying which fall invader is on your property, don’t hesitate to contact Southeast Termite and Pest Control.
    • Are fall invaders dangerous?
      Though fall invaders are a major nuisance to most property owners, they are fortunately not too dangerous. Most fall invaders aren’t known for spreading diseases, and the majority of them rarely bite humans. The dangers associated with a fall invader infestation include mild allergic reactions when coming in contact with the insects or their droppings and property damage. Stink bugs, boxelder bugs, and ladybugs leave behind their droppings while crawling over your items.
    • Why do I have a fall invader problem?
      A fall invader problem typically occurs when these pests find an easy way into your property’s interior areas. Homes or businesses with lots of cracks and gaps, easily accessible food, and pools of excess water or moisture issues tend to attract fall invaders and encourage these pests to stick around.
    • Where will I find fall invaders?
      Fall invaders are outdoors hiding near piles of debris or overgrown grass and foliage. You may also notice them around the foundation of your property or near windows and doors. Once they invade interior areas, fall invaders are found near windows and doors looking for warmth, crawling around furniture, or hiding near trash cans and kitchen areas.
    • How do I get rid of fall invaders?

      If you want to get rid of fall invaders the easy way, your best option is to contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control at the first signs of these pests. Our team can help you identify the types of fall invaders you are dealing with and develop a treatment plan that effectively removes all traces of this pest from your property.

      Contact us today to learn more about fall invader removal or request a free estimate on pest control.

    • How can I prevent fall invaders in the future?

      You can prevent fall invaders in the future by following the expert tips below that make your property less hospitable to these pests.

      • Clear outdoor areas of debris piles, long grass, and overgrown foliage that might encourage fall invaders to hide around your property.
      • Seal up cracks around your property’s foundation, windows, and doors to stop fall invaders from easily infiltrating interior spaces.
      • Make sure your property has sturdy window and door screens, weatherstripping, and door sweeps installed to keep out fall invaders.
      • Address moisture issues and leaks around your property to stop excess pools of water from attracting these insects and encouraging infestations.
      • Ensure leftover food is stored properly, and always clean up food and drink spills that might attract fall invaders looking for an easy meal.

      Contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control and request a free inspection at the first signs of fall invaders for identification assistance or help removing infestations from your property.

  • Cockroach Pest Library FAQ

    • What are cockroaches?

      We identify cockroaches by their flat, oval bodies and long antennae. When you look at a cockroach from above, the head is hidden. Most cockroaches have fully developed wings, but very few regularly fly; instead, they run from place to place using their six spine-covered legs.

      Cockroaches are one of the top most unwanted pests for people to discover in their homes. These scavenging insects are helpful when living outside, away from people, but in our homes, they are dangerous pests. These omnivores feed on and eliminate organic waste.

      Thankfully, most of the thousands of species of cockroaches living worldwide live in habitats well away from people. Only a small handful of cockroach species have adapted to living near or with people who have given these insects a bad name.

    • Are cockroaches dangerous?

      Cockroaches should never be allowed to live near people for any period of time. These insects naturally live in unsanitary areas that put them near the decaying organic materials they eat.

      In our homes, cockroaches will transfer bacteria that cause infections like salmonellosis, dysentery, gastroenteritis, and disease-causing pathogens to food and surfaces throughout our homes. As if that weren't enough, cockroach saliva, their excrement, and shed exoskeletons emit allergens into the air that, in some, will trigger allergies and asthma attacks.

    • Why do I have a cockroach problem?

      Cockroach infestations can occur in any structure where food is stored or prepared, making our Knoxville homes common hot spots for cockroaches.

      While many people associate cockroach infestations with dirty or cluttered homes, the truth is that cockroaches can find their way into any house. Our homes provide cockroaches with food, warmth, moisture, and safe places to hide and lay their eggs.

      These insects can become a problem after moving inside on their own through small spaces they discover in the exterior of your house. They also get into our homes by hitchhiking inside appliances, furniture, deliveries, and grocery bags. No matter how they enter, once inside, they won't hesitate to make themselves at home.

    • Where will I find cockroaches?

      There are many places you could discover cockroaches inside your home, but the most common is the kitchen. Our kitchens provide them with ample access to food; even the cleanest kitchen will have hidden crumbs that cockroaches will locate and use as a food source. During the day, cockroaches hide in dark, small spaces. Some of their most common hideouts are:

      • Spaces behind cabinets or appliances.
      • Inside drawers.
      • Spaces behind loose backsplashes or wallpaper.
      • Areas behind baseboards and wood trim.
      • Inside cardboard boxes.
      • Under rugs and large appliances.

      In addition to kitchens, cockroaches like to hang out in bathrooms, utility rooms, basements, and attics. Cockroaches regularly congregate outside our homes in wooded areas, woodpiles, gardens, trash cans, and drains.

      Because cockroaches are nocturnal, we often don't know of their presence when they first enter homes. As the cockroaches feed and breed and the infestation grows, it becomes more difficult for them to go unnoticed. If an infestation is left untreated, the cockroaches will eventually emerge during the day because of the increased competition for food sources. If you ever spot a cockroach scurrying across your home during the day, immediately reach out for help!

    • How do I get rid of cockroaches?
      We know how frustrating and unsettling it is to share your home with cockroaches. Here at Southeast Termite & Pest Control, we will act quickly to provide the treatments necessary to remove these unsanitary pests from your home and the monthly support to keep them from returning. Our local pest control specialists offer personalized attention to meet the needs of each of our customers. Learn more about our quality cockroach control options by calling us now.
    • How can I prevent cockroaches in the future?

      To help you stop your home from being taken over by cockroaches, we want to provide you with five effective prevention tips.

      1. Declutter your home to take away harborage spots.

      2. Limit the food they have access to in your home. Never store perishables on counters or tables; place them in the refrigerator.

      3. Remove excess moisture from your home using dehumidifiers and ensure bathrooms, kitchens, and crawl spaces are well-ventilated.

      4. Use silicone caulk to seal cracks in your foundation and exterior walls.

      5. Keep cockroaches from hitchhiking into your home by inspecting secondhand items, deliveries, and anything that has been outside before bringing the items inside.

      Please call now for more helpful information about keeping cockroaches out of your home or to learn about home pest control in Knoxville. 

  • Carpenter Bee Pest Library

    • What are carpenter bees?

      Carpenter bees are relatives of honey bees and bumble bees. Unlike these bee species, carpenter bees are solitary. They don't live in colonies. They don't have a queen. They breed and nest on their own, and each carpenter bee has to dig its own hole to lay its eggs.

      Carpenter bees bore holes into wood to lay their eggs. They can dig holes ranging from a foot to over tenfeet in depth! As you can imagine, getting several carpenter bee nests going in the same piece of wood can cause problems.

    • Are carpenter bees dangerous?

      When you see a giant carpenter bee buzzing toward your head, you probably feel a lot of fear. However, this fear is misplaced. Carpenter bees can sting, but they rarely do. Usually, the only thing that can induce a carpenter bee to sting is physically accosting it. Furthermore, even if you are stung by a carpenter bee, unless you are allergic, the only thing you really have to worry about is a little pain and swelling at the site of the sting.

      Carpenter bees are much more dangerous to your property than they are to you. If you get a serious carpenter bee infestation, this can do all kinds of damage – even structural damage – to the wood the bees infest.

    • Why do I have a carpenter bee problem?

      Most of the time, youwind up with a carpenter bee problem because you are inadvertently attracting them. The biggest carpenter bee attractant is wood that is easy to bore into. Carpenter bees especially love decks, wooden siding and ceilings, and wood columns. If these areas are unpainted or unvarnished, they are extremely vulnerable to a carpenter bee infestation.

      You may also be attracting carpenter bees if you have a lot of sweet, juicy flowers around your home. Most people think carpenter bees eat wood because of their wood-carving abilities, but they actually eat nectar and pollen just like every other kind of bee.

    • Where will I find carpenter bees?

      Carpenter bees love to be in areas where they can bore deep nests and fill them with eggs. They love to infest wood that can offer deep shelter. Look for them in decks, wood columns, wooden ceilings, and wood siding.

      The one thing that all of these places will have in common is they will be untreated wood. Carpenter bees have a very hard time boring into painted or varnished wood, so they will look for softer wood that does not have any barrier for their mandibles to cut through. Treating wood is very important in controlling carpenter bees.

    • How do I get rid of carpenter bees?

      It isn't always easy to get rid of carpenter bees in Knoxville. If you only have one or two bees nesting on your property, you can easily seal their holes with a little wood filler to encourage them to leave and nest elsewhere. However, this solution is not tenable if you have hundreds of carpenter bees infesting your property.

      In this case, you'll need to call the experts here at Southeast Termite & Pest Control. Our carpenter bee solutions are much more sophisticated than a little wood filler, and we can handle any size infestation you have. If you need someone to safely and effectively remove your carpenter bee infestation, don't hesitate to call us or visit our contact page to schedule a free inspection on pest control.

    • How can I prevent carpenter bees in the future?

      Fortunately, preventative carpenter bee control is much easier than carpenter bee prevention. Just follow a few simple and easy tips:

      • Varnish or paint all exterior wood on your property. 

      • Get rid of high-nectar, sweet-smelling flowers. 

      • Remove other sugary attractants like hummingbird feeders. 

      • Spread almond oil or citrus oil solutions on wood surfaces to repel bees.

      If these solutions don't work, don't hesitate to contact us here at Southeast Termite & Pest Control for all your Knoxville pest control needs.

  • Bed Bugs Pest Library FAQ

    • What are bed bugs?
      Bed bugs are small parasitic insects that are typically no different in shape or size than an apple seed. Depending on when they last fed, they appear dark brown to reddish-brown and are notorious for invading our sleeping spaces, though they can invade all areas of a home or business. Bed bugs are prolific, and infestations of these pests may quickly grow out of control and result in serious health and safety issues if you don't employ proper bed bug treatment tactics.
    • Are bed bugs dangerous?
      While bed bugs aren't known for spreading diseases or illnesses to humans, bed bug bites are still a serious issue. Bed bug bites are incredibly itchy and may result in secondary infections due to scratching. Additionally, the presence of bed bugs around your property may result in insomnia or other sleeping issues, anxiety, and stress. It's important to invest in bed bug control before these pests become widespread and difficult to eradicate from your property.
    • Why do I have a bed bug problem?

      Most bed bug infestations become an issue due to unsuspecting individuals traveling through infested areas and picking up bed bugs in their clothing, bags, or luggage. As you travel to these infested locations and return home, bed bugs move along with you, eventually crawling out to infest areas in your house they deem safe.

      Bed bug infestations are also caused by bringing secondhand items into your home or business without first checking them for signs of bed bugs.

    • Where will I find bed bugs?
      Typically, bed bugs gather around sleeping areas, such as bed frames, mattresses, pillows, and bedroom furniture, but they can also infest other areas of your property. The seams of furniture, areas around electrical or utility outlets, stuffed animals, and even lighting fixtures can all host bed bugs waiting for a chance to bite someone and obtain a meal.
    • How do I get rid of bed bugs?
      The best way to get rid of bed bugs is to invest in professional assistance from Southeast Termite & Pest Control. Our team will inspect every inch of your property for signs of bed bugs and decide on the best treatment plan. From there, we will help you understand how to prepare your property for bed bug treatment and guide you on your next steps.
    • How can I prevent bed bugs in the future?

      Prevent bed bug problems in the future by following our expert tips to limit your chances of picking up these parasitic pests.

      • Always elevate your bags and luggage when traveling or staying in hotels and motels; this helps keep bed bugs from crawling on these personal belongings unnoticed.

      • Consider vacuum-sealing your clothing when traveling to stop bed bugs from easily hiding in fabrics.

      • Check hotels or other places you travel to for signs of bed bugs, such as reddish staining, unpleasant or musty odors, and live or dead bed bugs.

      • Ensure secondhand furniture or appliances your purchase are free of bed bugs by checking for signs of this pest using gloved hands and a flashlight to investigate crevices.

      If you need more advice on preventing bed bugs or require assistance defeating an infestation of these pests, contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control for home pest control today.

  • Ant Pest Library FAQ

    • What are ants?

      Ants are small insects that crawl throughout our houses and can become an ongoing pest problem for Knoxville homeowners. They are an easy pest problem for most people to identify because ants are active during the day and travel in the open across our sidewalks, decks, floors, and counters.

      Each type of ant varies slightly in appearance, but in general, ants have three distinct body segments, a defined "waist," a hard exoskeleton, six legs, and short antennae. Most ants are black, brown, yellow, red, or a combination of those colors.

      Ants are social insects and live together in large groups. Each colony divides its members into different groups, and each group is tasked with different jobs to ensure the success of their colony. Ants are so successful because of how well they communicate with each other and work together as a large group.

    • Are ants dangerous?

      In our region, carpenter ants are one of the largest species to find their way to our properties, and fire ants are one of the smallest. But what sets these two species apart from other ants is that they are both dangerous.

      Carpenter ants aren't dangerous to people but are to our properties. When carpenter ants decide to nest in our homes, they will make themselves at home in its structural wood. If not removed, over time, they cause costly damage to the structure of your house.

      Fire ants are dangerous to people; they aggressively defend themselves and their nests by delivering painful stings. When fire ants nest in your yard, they can significantly affect your ability to enjoy outdoor spaces safely.

      Fortunately, most species of ants are more of a nuisance than a danger. However, they should still never be allowed to live in our homes. Ants can spread bacteria and quickly contaminate stored foods.

    • Why do I have an ant problem?

      There are several reasons why ants so easily become a problem inside our houses:

      • Their small size makes it easy for them to exploit openings in our home's exterior.
      • Ants have excellent communication skills and lay down pheromone trails to alert their other colony members to their newly found food sources.
      • Things inside our homes, like leaky pipes, open trash containers, crumbs, and other food debris, draw ants to our houses and offer them food and water.

      Once ants discover your home provides them with their basic needs, they will keep returning.

    • Where will I find ants?

      Knoxville homeowners regularly find ants inside their homes in areas that offer warmth, moisture, and easy access to food. Ants are often active inside our kitchens, bathrooms, dining areas, pantries, and cabinets.

      Outside ants usually nest within pieces of wood, in the ground, or inside the cracks of rocks, foundations, and pavement. When they move into our homes to nest, wall voids, large pieces of electrical equipment, attics, and spaces behind wood trim, baseboards, and large furniture or appliances provide them with nesting sites.

    • How do I get rid of ants?

      While it may be tempting to try to get rid of an ant infestation on your own, DIY ant control won't get to the root of the problem or offer a long-term solution. The fastest and most effective way to stop ants in their tracts and stop them from returning is to reach out for help from a professional.

      Here at Southeast Termite & Pest Control, we are a local company that understands the unique needs of customers living in our region. Our specialists will work closely with you to determine the type of ants on your property and how best to eliminate the infestation. Don't share your property with ants one day longer than necessary; call us today to learn more about pest control in Knoxville!

    • How can I prevent ants in the future?

      Utilize the following five ant prevention tips to make your Knoxville property less attractive to ants.

      1. Check sprinklers and other irrigation systems to ensure they aren't overwatering your yard; moisture attracts ants.

      2. Repair cracks and crevices in your foundation, loose mortar, and torn screens to eliminate entry points. 

      3. Maintain garden areas, keep landscaping plants pruned away from your home, and keep the grass in your yard cut short. 

      4. Limit their access to food outside your home by keeping lids on trash cans, harvesting gardens, removing hummingbird feeders, and keeping outdoor eating areas free of spills and debris.

      5. Make the inside of your home less attractive by repairing leaky pipes, maintaining a clean kitchen, and regular vacuuming.

      For more helpful ways to keep these curious insects out of your home, reach out today for home pest control!

  • Hearth financing FAQ

    • What are the benefits of crawl space encapsulation?
      Crawl space encapsulation helps protect your home from pests, moisture, and other environmental hazards while improving air quality and energy efficiency, saving you money over time by reducing energy bills and preventing costly repairs due to pest damage. It also adds value to your home, making it an attractive option for homeowners.
    • Can I pay off my loan early with no penalties?
      Yes! With Hearth Financing, there are no prepayment penalties, so if you want to pay off your loan earlier and save money on interest payments, you can do that without worrying about extra fees. Contact us at Southeast Termite & Pest Control today to learn more about Hearth Financing.
    • How do I know which plan is best for me?
      Hearth Financing offers personalized payment plans tailored to your budget. At Southeast Termite & Pest Control, we'll work with you to find the best option that fits your needs, so you can get the repairs and upgrades you need without worrying about affordability. Contact us today to learn more!
  • Termites

    • How do I know if I have a termite problem?

      If you notice any of the following signs, it could be an indication that you have a termite problem:

      • Discolored or drooping drywall 
      • Mud tubes on the outside of your home 
      • Swarms of flying insects near windows or lights 
      • Unusual musty odors

      For more information about recognizing signs of a possible infestation, please contact us at Southeast Termite & Pest Control. We're always happy to answer your questions about termite protection in Knoxville.

    • Do you offer pre-construction treatment?
      Yes, we do. A pre-construction termite treatment is the best way to protect your new home before you build it. We'll use a liquid treatment to protect the foundation and surrounding areas from future termite infestations. For more information about our pre-construction services, please contact us today.
    • Do you offer WDI reports?
      Yes! We provide detailed WDI (wood-destroying insect) reports for real estate transactions. Our experienced technicians will thoroughly inspect your home to identify any potential infestations or damage caused by termites, beetles, and other wood-destroying insects. This inspection will help you make an informed decision about the condition of your home before purchasing or selling.
  • Mosquito FAQ

    • What is the In2Care system?
      The In2Care system is a state-of-the-art mosquito control solution that targets larvae before they become adults. It uses water with an odor lure to attract egg-laying mosquitoes, and the larvae that hatch are then killed off before they reach adulthood. This system is safe for pets and children, making it an ideal choice for households with little ones or animals.
    • What are some natural ways to reduce mosquitoes on my property?
      Some natural ways to keep mosquitoes out of your yard include removing standing water, regularly mowing the grass and trimming shrubs, planting certain plants that can repel mosquitoes, and using fans or citronella candles around outdoor areas. However, for more serious infestations and for the best results, we recommend professional mosquito control services.
    • Will the In2Care systems protect my entire property?
      The In2Care system is designed to reduce mosquito populations within a range of about 4,000 square feet. Therefore, for larger properties or more serious infestations, we may recommend using two or more systems for greater coverage. During your initial consultation, our technicians will discuss the best way option for your home.
  • Fall Invader FAQ

    • When is the best time to get fall invaders control for my Knoxville property?
      The best way to defend your Knoxville property against fall invaders is to apply treatments just before they arrive in the fall. However, Southeast Termite & Pest Control understands some homeowners may want to get a step ahead. We can provide initial window treatments in the spring to restore your peace of mind. To hear more of our recommendations or speak with a trained expert, please contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control today.
    • How long is the warranty on your fall invaders control service?
      Every fall invaders control service from Southeast Termite & Pest Control comes with a six-week protection period. If pests somehow find a way into your home or business after our initial service, our professionals will come back to address or re-treat the area for free. We are always willing to come back in the spring and perform another treatment for boxelder bugs if needed.
    • Does it cost money to have my property inspected for fall invaders?
      Southeast Termite & Pest Control provides free fall invader inspections for home and business owners in of Knoxville. We understand there are many stressors caused by the change in temperatures during the fall and want to make ourselves as accessible as possible to the property owners who need us. You can get in touch with us today to kick off a free fall invaders inspection.
  • Carpenter Bee FAQ

    • Can I get a pre-treatment for carpenter bees in Knoxville?
      Southeast Termite And Pest Control provides pre-construction treatments for carpenter bee activity in Knoxville. We use hand-selected products and more than 50 years of industry experience to protect your property from wood-boring stinging insects. Whether you need pre-treatments for a residential building or a commercial enterprise, you can count on Southeast Termite And Pest Control to get the job done right.
    • Does your carpenter bee treatment come with a warranty?
      All carpenter bee removal services from Southeast Termite And Pest Control come with a 30-day re-treatment warranty. If these pests manage to get past your defenses and begin gnawing at your home, our team will come back to provide re-treatments and additional applications. Just give us a call as soon as you notice piles of sawdust or vertical holes. We will schedule a visit as soon as possible.
    • How much does it cost to get a carpenter bee inspection for my Knoxville home?
      Carpenter bee inspections from Southeast Termite & Pest Control are 100% free. You only pay if you want our team to apply the necessary treatments. To schedule a thorough inspection and get rid of carpenter bees in Knoxville, please get in touch with Southeast Termite & Pest Control right away.